ALL TUITION PAYMENTS ARE DUE The 1st of every Month/Registration Fees are non-refundable.

Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal commitments. You are welcome to make-up any class missed

DRENNAN DANCE PROJECT reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient registration.

Payments and Balances

Payments may be paid at the Studio, When making a payment by check, please include the dancer’s first and last name/s in the memo of your check, so we may credit to the proper account. Returned check fee is $30.00

Any account unpaid after the (15) fifteenth of the month will have late charges assessed for 10% of the total monthly tuition. If at any time you would like a printed statement of your account you may request one. Overdue Balances Only: A statement will be mailed and/or emailed for amount due with late charges assessed.

If for any reason you decide to discontinue your classes, you are not obligated to pay for the balance of the school year, however you will be responsible for any balance due.

Missed Classes Students may make up any class missed in any appropriate class of their choice at any time within the school year. Credit will not be given for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or personal vacations.

Snow Cancellations We will hold classes except under dangerous driving conditions, please use discretion. Studio closings will also be posted on our website, Facebook. No credit will be given for snow cancellations; however, students are always welcome to take make-up classes for any missed class at their regular times.

If DRENNAN DANCE PROJECT cancels a class, students will be responsible for arranging their own make-up classes at a time that is convenient for them. In the event of multiple cancellations, make-up classes will be scheduled during school vacations.

DRENNAN DANCE PROJECT will be following The Concord NH School Districts Closings